Testimonials - Universal Hospitals in Rajahmundry



Best Hospital in East and West Godavari districts for Orthopedic and Skin


Dr.RajendhraBabu is a good person and the best treatment is given.


Best treatment, Dr.Rajesh is very friendly, now I am finally happy. The best hospital for skin care in Rajahmundry


Universal hospitals provide best treatment with Best equipments. Highly recommended!!!


My baby was suffering from respiratory problems and had high fever. I am pleased and grateful to Dr.Prasanthi for giving best treatment to my child. I am also impressed the way she handled my child’s complicated condition.


As my child was not able to take food properly and even had few growth issues, Dr.ArumilliPrasanthi diagnosed the exact problem and provided the best treatment. Now my child is doing well. Thanks to Dr.Prasanthi


I was under treatment by the general physician of this hospital and had very good recovery with minimal investigations. During my stay, there was one instance where she had stayed overnight at the hospital to look after her sick patient. So, I guess she has studied enough to know which patients are really ill and requires her continuous supervision

Uday Bhaskar

A hospital which besides the experienced doctors give lot of importance to both pre and post operative facilities. The premises is kept very clean. I am sure the recovery will be faster in such surroundings


Lakshmivarapupeta, Near Devichowk, Rajahmundry

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0883- 2555533 / 2555544